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Community Center

Poster Request

I saw that Jasper is putting together a night watch for the town. If you feel comfortable letting a monster join, I would be proud to help guard the town! I would need a weapon and armor to be much use, though. I would prefer light armor to stay mobile, and maybe a bow so I don't have to get too close if there's a problem?
Murray I could really go for a Coconut Snowball from the Catio! Y'know I can't pay for it with money, but I'd be glad t' trade ya a song and a little dance for one!
Kassey I managed to make my way across to Little Island, and you'll never guess what I found! There was a sailboat washed up on the beach on the north side of the island! I didn't get a good look at it since I was chased away by some creepy giant bugs, but it seemed to be in pretty good shape! Now that we have a fancy-shmancy dock in town, I think it would be pretty nifty to moor a boat to it! Just be sure to bring a weapon with you if you go to collect it; there are some nasty things on Little Island!

With the amount of construction we've had on the island, my work has started to back up and I could really use an apprentice. If you know of anyone who would be interested in learning a trade, I'd appreciate you sending them my way.